Friday, April 12, 2013

Put Your Game Face on - Xbox Cake

Posted by Laura at 11:00 AM
I love when people say to me, "you can do a/an ______ cake."

I don't know. I've never tried!

When a friend of mine called me up one day and said, "You can make an Xbox cake, right?" i just laughed.

"I don't know, I've never made one before. I've only made the Rock Band Cake," I said.

Her reply, "Oh ok... well, you're gonna make an Xbox cake. No pressure."
Yikes! Where do you even start on something like this when you've never made a REAL 3D cake?
The console.

I just stared at the Xbox for a good 30 mintes to gather my thoughts and ideas. And then I decided to trace the console out. When the cake was cooled, I put the cut out of the Xbox shape on the cake and cut it out. Easy.

Than the controller. Hmm... Not so easy. But I sat there at the tray with the controller in front of me and carved it a little at a time. Here's a tip: I use the food coloring markers to draw it out before I cut.

After everything was cut and wrapped I took the little details and started working on those. I cut out the air vents, the buttons, the side panels, the analogs. All of it.

I used a bit of water and attached all the pieces. Then a little bit of icing for some last details and voila... you have an Xbox cake.

I've seen some pretty awesome Xbox cakes out there, but I'm still VERY proud of mine. My second 3D cake. Second! Imagine that. I think I have a gift for "winging" it.


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