Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Sweet Gift Idea

Posted by Laura at 10:24 AM 0 comments
Like most people, I'm on Pinterest all the time "pinning" and "liking" all kinds of things that I will never buy or make or think about again. Except this one. This cute little DIY art project really hit close to my heart.

They are mini pies made out of beads, bottle caps and some felt... all held together with some glue.


When I saw this pin I thought to myself... I don't care how... or when... but I WILL make these little suckers. And you know what? They didn't turn out so bad! Of course this is the first attempt... but I'll be sure to make more, and maybe throw a magnet on the back of them and redecorate the fridge!

Wanna try them out yourself? You can find the "How to" HERE!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Come Fly With Me...

Posted by Laura at 10:25 AM 0 comments

A Butterfly Cake for Emma

Sometimes life comes at you fast. You wake up one morning and you realize, oh man, I was supposed to do something this weekend. And sometimes that something is actually quite big... like your baby's first birthday.

With the hustle and bustle of life, that's exactly what happened to a friend of mine. She realized that in the midst of crossing her t's and dotting her i's, she had forgotten one important aspect of her party planning - the cake!

So when she asked around the office if anyone knew someone who "did cakes", I laughed. It's not that I don't advertise it, I just kind of keep a little quite about my cake making. I often doubt myself on whether I have time, or if it will come out the way a person expects it. So I don't really offer. But, for a friend in need? No question.

I asked her to send me photos of idea she had, and I'd come up with something. Since Emma's room is all purple and green with butterflies, we decide that would be perfect. So I cake up with a sheet cake for the adults to eat and one small round cake that Emma can "smash into" - as every child should have that cake face look on their first birthday.

And while it was a stressful bake (I had started after working late on a Friday night), I am so glad that I had the experience of helping out a friend in need and seeing that beautiful little girls face smiling full of cake.

Happy birthday, doll!!

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