Wednesday, August 19, 2009

It's too damn early...

Posted by Laura at 12:18 PM 0 comments
So our system is down at work and I figured I would check out my mobile blogging!

As I'm sitting at my desk with my morning coffee (eyes burning, uncontrollable yawns) it hits me...

"If I think that 7 am is too early, how am I going to survive a bakery at 4 am?"

Perhaps the adrenaline of baking up yummy goods for the community will be enough. Or maybe after a while I will wonder why I torture myself. Truth is, when I get up to go fishing at 4 am I hate it. But - I also get over it pretty quickly.

I guess when its something you are truly passionate about you stop caring about the things that would normally be considered a nuisance.

I used to feel that "high" at my job now. Only it was because I truly felt that I wanted to be a writer. And part of me will always enjoy writing, but as my love for baking grows I start to notice those "little things" that never used to bother me. I suppose I just realize more and more that I don't want to be *here* as a writer. I want to be *there* as a baker.

Hmmm. Some day. For now, I will suck it up, chug the remainder of my now cold coffee and be a writer. And I will do it well because I know that as soon as I get home, I get to be a baker!

Sent Via Verizon Wireless Blackberry

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Getting Started

Posted by Laura at 7:37 PM 0 comments

OK... So I'm going to start blogging this weekend. For now, I'm testing out the site and getting my feet wet. Don't worry though, I'll wash my hands before I post! First up is going to be my "Corn on the Cob" cakes. Yummy!

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